Thursday 24 June 2010

Outcome 2 - Planning

Project Planning

Project title: People of St. Enoch

Analysis of the Brief:

St. Enoch is an area of Glasgow with a very rich history and has a very important part in the everyday life of Glasgow it’s self. It has been indentified within the brief that the aims are to discover more about the thoughts and awareness of the St. Enoch train crash, focusing primarily on people within the square.

This information should be easily accessible by all as this project is intended to be viewed by as many different people as possible. This should be displayed in a new media type project that will cover various different aspects of new media and relay the information and social state of St. Enoch square in an appropriate format. There are lots of different ways in which these can be displayed but I will display though the use of new media elements. This will be the most interesting and most accessible for all of the public.

This project will be displayed on a website with a combination of different elements to relay the information to the public in an interesting and captivating way. This will include short documentary clips, animations, illustrations or games that would tell the story of the St. Enoch Sq train crash.

Aims and Objectives:

These are the creative objectives for the project:-

· To place the information of St. Enoch square within the context of Glasgow

· To view and record the peoples opinions within square

· To find and record the reasons behind the lost of awareness of this accident

· To make this accessible to the general public

· To use a variety of new medias to convey this information

· To create a high level of engagement for the target audience

These are some personal objectives:-

· To develop a better understanding of documentary making and flash animating and games.

· To continue creating and designing websites using techniques and technologies from web 2 and also Screen based design.

These are the following technical objectives:-

· To make use of the latest digital multimedia technologies, such as video on demand, flash and audio techniques.


My idea for this project was to play on the spontaneous nature of the public in St. Enoch square. I want to create a way to interact with the public through a form of media and then be able to view and react to everyone that participates. I want to be able to display the effects of the public’s reaction on a website a using a live feed or to record and display the results in a more orderly way.

I will design the website using a variety of different techniques for web 2 and will also design a few simple animations and possible illustrations for the site. As for the feed I will keep it fairly simple and non cluttered to focus the attention on the main video, if it was a recorded version then I’ll make a timeline below to navigate you way through the time of the video, skipping through to different people and their interactions with the media.

There will be a lot of experimentation with different ways in which I could record and interact with the public. This will be the main basis of the project.

Project Requirements:

A short list of the projects requirements:-

· There will be a main area in which the public will be able to view and interact with the project

· There will be a section with feedback and documented sections of the interaction. (For any part where illegible)

· The project it’s self with require multiple browser compatibility

· The website for the project should comply with the accessibility standards of the WC3

· Navigation throughout the site should be intuitive and captivating as well as simple to use


A list of the resources that are needed:-

· Sound and video recording equipment

· Digital Camera

· Sketchbook

· Drawing and various editing equipment

· Digital sound and video editing equipment: Final cut pro/ Adobe Premier

· Web designing software: Adobe Dreamweaver

· Image and graphic editing software: Adobe Photoshop

· Multimedia software: Adobe Flash

Costs and Location:

The project is intended to be recorded in St. Enoch square over looking the object of choice for the interaction.


· Travelling to and from the square - £4.95 (per trip)

· Sketchbook - £7

· Digital Camera rental - £30

· Various Artistic equipment - tba


Research the project will need to contain a small amount of information about the history of the square as well as a section on the social state of the square from several years ago. With this information the viewers will be able to understand what the square is and it’s relevance within Glasgow. From this, the audience will then be able to compare the results of the project now with that of previous years.

I will also be researching into creating various different features for web designs as well as researching into making an interactive object that can be used by the public. I will also be looking at how to create a live feed and several other techniques that will be needed to create the project.

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