Thursday 24 June 2010

Creative Industry's Outcome 1

The creative industry is one of the UK’s largest contributors to the economy, generating nearly 8% (roughly 7.9%) of the gross domestic income for the UK. It’s also one of the fastest growing industry’s in the UK, growing an average of 9% per annum over the space of three years (1997 -2000) this is mainly been due to the rise in Advertising, TV and radio and software demands over this period.

Exports of the creative industry have also created impressive figures during this rise in demand. The industry contributed roughly £8.7billion to the balance of trade in this period totaling up to roughly 3.3% of everything that the UK exports! This then had a knock on effect with employment in the country, generating about 1.95 million jobs throughout the industry. (estimated in 2001) so between the years 1994 and 2001 the creative industry created a further 500,000 jobs, increasing its employment percent up to 5% as opposed to the 1.5% of the whole economy. These jobs were mostly in IT (+14&), advertising (+10%) and Design (+8%)

The creative industries are mainly made up from four sectors: Design, software, publishing and advertising.

The number of companies over this time had also grown quite dramatically, rising up to roughly 135,000 established companies in the industry. These can be split into two rough sectors: Software and Electronic publishing (roughly 56,000) and Music and the Visual Performing Arts (roughly 33,000), the other 46,000 fall into various different smaller categories.

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