Thursday 24 June 2010

Outcome 2 - Brief

The Brief


St. Enoch square is a very interesting place found within Glasgow’s busiest and most commercial area. Filled with a rich history and an important part of Glasgow’s life the square has undergone massive changes to its structure, architecture and uses throughout the years. Once a place mainly used for transit and industrial work, St. Enoch squares uses have now undergone a huge transformation in the modern age. Still a major part in Glasgow’s layout, St. Enoch square now joins together Glasgow’s busiest commercial street, Buchanan St. and the route down the river Clyde, one of the most iconic and notable points in Glasgow. This, usually overlooked, area of Glasgow is a perfect place to create a project to involving the public


As St. Enoch’s uses and people have changed so radically over the years this project will be looking at the current people that use this square and interacting with them in the environment as it is today. This project will focus on a train crash that had happened with in St. Enoch Square roughly 100 years ago, using this as the life of the subject I wish to create an interactive and engaging project that will reflect the public’s opinion of this disaster and raise the awareness of it.

Aims and Objectives:

This project will be created to discover the new generation of users in the square and should be placed in context with the city of Glasgow and St.

Enoch square. This then will be used to record and show the people reactions, opinions and awareness of the accident.


The final project should adhere to all current usability standards outlined by the WC3.

The website it’s self should be a maximum size of 1024x768px

The website should be fully operational.

The final project should also be engaging and interactive to the public.

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